

T&T, Turnov s.r.o.
Přepeřská 1302
51101 Turnov
Czech Republic

Represented by:

Rolf Themann


Phone: +420 484 803 001
Fax: +420 484 803 015


Registered in the Trade and Commercial Register.
Commercial Register, Section C, Nr. 34752
Regional Court of Justice in Hradec Králové

Tax and VAT-ID:

VAT No. CZ 038 49 040 / ID No.: 038 49 040

Responsible for the content:

Rolf Themann
Přepeřská 1302
51101 Turnov


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Linking up of third parties web pages with the webpage of T&T, Turnov s.r.o. is only allowed, if the link is referring to the home page and no intellectual rights will be harmed. Direct linking to certain subpages is not allowed.